What up bitches
I don't know what my problem is but I've been blog negligent. In fact this post has sat dormant for a bit so I"m just going ahead and posting it.
Things that have been going on:
Things that have been going on:
- My garden is dying slowly, its sad. I'm sad.
- We've had mice in our shed. We bought traps last night.
- I've started physical therapy.. seems to help..also had a massage that certainly didn't hurt :)
- Bowled over a 100 in a game...yeah, i find that exciting.
- Ran agility with simon and got 3rd place in both of his events. Might have been my first trial where I qualified for both events. We usually screw up at least one...
- I have stuff on the needles but i'm not touching much cause the exercise makes me achy. Haven't touched this luscious project since ooh lala france...
- I'm almost done shedir (knitted hat) with yarn that was graciously given to me. For some reason knitting this hat has been full of love and warmth as I decided to find a cancer charity to donate it to. Its cotton and pretty so its a good option for those who may want a hat outside the winter months.
- I'm out of random update statements....