Saturday, August 12, 2006

Had I taken Lunesta I wouldn't be blogging.

So its 4 am. I went to bed at 10:30 as I was tired as usual on a Friday. Lately when I sleep my sinuses become crazy inflamed. Probably just from laying down and nothing in my bedroom.
So I had nice ole stressing dreams and then I hear freaking talking. I wake up. My barfly neighbor is chatting with her fellow drunkees loudly at 4 am. Really, my mama is all sorta of weird and crazy but at least she taught or beat into me common courtesy. Suddenly a farm out in east jesus looks really tempting.
I took Riley outside to go and he wouldn't go, they were too loud and talking about weird fecal matters. I brought him back in and back to the cage he went. We've not been having good bathrooming times lately as he thinks we are being attacks by the cicadas.
Anyway I know I don't mesh well with people and have all sorta of annoyance factors but Jesus lady its fucking 4 am. Go talk inside. I hope they get covered in mosquito bites.


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