Thursday, August 03, 2006

Will the Crazy Neighbors please move somewhere else....

So one neighbor I had had the secret garden as her backyard. I periodically pick up parts o her house off my driveway and when storms take down branches I end up having to get rid of them. She has one branch that gets near but not in my driveway so that when i open a door its in the way but not on my property so I can't remove it. In the 1.5 years I've lived here she hasn't done shit to her house and when I moved in she talked about our puppies having a play date. I have never seen or heard a dog. Today at 6:45 this morning she was sawing off a branch off her front tree. No, it wasn't effected by the storms, no it wasn't the one by my car. What the fuck.
Then there is Frank. Lonely ole Frank. I don't mow my lawn that often for fear that he will bug me about my mower. Today I come home and find window shutter doors in my parking spot. I em to me. I bet they were originally to the house, the previous folk got rid of tem, he took them and now is giving them to me. I left them there and just walked straight in the house. I really don't feel like dealing with the nutsos today.
Angry girl at work is all angry at me cause i corrected something she did. She cannot deal whatso ever. I corrected it yesterday and today she didn't reply to my good morning when she walked in. I couldn't care less if she likes me but seriously what grown adult feels its okay to a) ignore people b) walk out on people when they are talking to you and c) yell at a workplace even if its at a computer or program.


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