Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Its not terribly interesting

So my computer at work plays music like its underwater. Not so much fun. Ipod, dead. I also have a cd player that if you don't remove the batteries each time you stop listening it drains them. I figure, being the smart gal I am, that I can plug it in. Well, not a bloody single plug at my work or at home fits in its outlet. I feel like I'm playing the AC outlet game. Last night I shuffled through a bunch til I found one that fit in my keyboard. The remaining ones I brought to work to see if they work on the CD player. Nope. I brought in my booty ho music CD's I had burned when the ipod died the first time and a favorite compilation called faded purple gerry curl. I'm not going to listen to them underwater so I'll just suck it up.
Oh and if you were waiting with baited breath, no back up CD here... commenceth the cleaning the house like mad. A manic personality can be a pain in the tuchas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we can do the pod thing as soon as you're ready :-)

3:38 PM  

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