Friday, September 01, 2006

why does it surprise you

So its raining and windy and I've been unsuccessfully fishing. We have a dock down here or up here in NJ. For some reason it surprises Boo to see me picking off starfish and sea urchins off the dock. Or hooking squid and minnows. It also suprises him when I catch salamanders and frogs in VT. Do you see me out with no make up? Do you see me replacing toilets and sinks in my home? Yes... I'm not squeamish except for mice and big ass spiders.
We made paella last night. Yum. Steak tonight, yum. Photos will ensue eventually. I've been taught well to photograph good food.
Stomach hasn't been great, so its a double edge sword. Food yum, keeping food in stomach for days, bad.. I know. I've said too much but damnit, I want to make room for more food.
Mom keeps giving updates about old classmates. One old classmate that I regret being a bitch to apparently is single, a speech teacher and just adopted an asian child with a clef palette. I was directly mean to her freshman year of college and so regret it... I felt when I left for college that no one who i was friends with in HS knew me. We just all were good kids who had the same classes. No one knew my interests and life and I sounded off about it once. oh well, time would have probably broken us apart. When you hear me bitch about not having jewish friends, remind me I was mean the one jewish girl i was friends with...who adopted an asian kid, just like i want to.
Anyway been knitting, reading and sleeping. Watching a little Commander Zim on Eric's laptop... goodstuff.
It sorta weird having phone, tv and internet here. It used to be so non media based here.


Blogger Justin24601 said...

Hope your trip was good! Must. Knit. Soon.

1:01 AM  

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