Saturday, July 01, 2006

Doing it alone

Hey, so I went to the zoo today. Should have done it earlier. Its way fun when you aren't listening to folks complaining of the heat or saying come on lets get to the next aminal. I went to see the southside that i didn't see earlier this week. The river's edge's plants are looking really sweet so I took some pictures for work.
Some moments of amusement included being alone with a few hippos while everyone else looked for them in the water. Then hearing southern missourians talking about how big the fish were in the water. Always night to hear the folks being more interested in the various fish exhibits than the "wild" animals. They seemed to really dig the catfish.
I went to see the giraffes also. Always makes you wonder who the animals are when the humans get all stupid by the giraffe getting close. Then again I was amused by the hippo getting out of the water with big turds on its head....
I visited the insectarium which is now free. I pretty much bipassed all the insects that creep my shit out and chilled at the butterfly area. Very cool. My sinuses are less than thrilled but whatcha gonna do?

The one thing the STL zoo lacks that the PA zoo has is the Amish. PA zoo is like vacation central for the amish back in PA. Then again PA is big with the Amish. Anyway there were some amish or the likes at the zoo today. Made me have a twing of youthful memories. Although when I was younger they didn't talk on regular phone let alone a cell phone... wonder what was up with that.
So my camera, totally not doing well again... I think I need to copy all photos and wipe the disk. I tell ya, me and electrics aren't friends. Unless you consider a glue gun an electric. Then we are <> this tight.
Spent the rest of the day playing computer games, reading, eatting my favorite salsa (jar nearly gone) and playing with the beasts. Stupid cat wants to be playmates with the dogs but the dogs are afraid and if they initate the cat forgets and hates them again.

Last night I had the weirdest dream. I was apparently majorly in love with Luke Perry and we were living in an art gallery. Really where does Luke Perry come from that he is infiltrating my dreams. Also I apparently spent 1000 bucks to brighten my teef. Impressive considering I haven't even tried the crest option thats just 30 somthing. I'm all money spending in my dreams, guess it makes up for the real me :P


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