Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goodmorning Starshine.... the retarded Mindy says hello

Lodi Dodi, we like to sleep. Dogs wake me up cause I didn't set alarm. I decide I haven't had coffee all week cause of the sensitive stomach and its lack of appeal but damn, a Chai would rock like a hurricane.
I drive with good light and traffic karma all the way to Starbucks and realize Riley never got put away. I kinda would like to let him stay out til Kara leaves cause all he does is lounge on the couch or bed. But still. All day he cannot stay out... he's retarded like his mama. (that's me)
I get to Starbucks, open door for mom and daughter and another person because although I'm stupid, I'm nice. Get a chai for coworker, impromptu move, get espresso beans for boss, look at hand and think...This cell phone is supposed to be my keys. Fuck.
Call work, ride is on its way. Call home, key is outside for me to pick up at lunch. Now if you've seen my brain somewhere its probably locked in my car with my keys waiting for the 97 degree heat.
Drive with coworker and pull a Ron as I like to call it (high school folk who'd offer donuts to strangers in traffic when he and friends went out driving)... See coworker walks to work so when we passed him I cat called him of my own accord and then thrust the chai out and asked him if he wanted a chai. He was confused and then I told him I got it for him. He's an ass, and thinks I'm the most retarded person on the earth, but he does always offer me coffee when he knows he'll run to the bucks. Anyways, he's only here til the end of June anyway.
We had a nice little stop light conversation and when he turned green he continued on his merry way and we drove. We'd had offer him a ride which he declined. Good thing cause coworkers car was completely not suitable for any more than two people and a baby.
So if you see a frying brain, or a redhead who should be freaking out walking around know that the brain wasn't being used anyway and the redhead head thinks its no big deal. Stupidity runs its streaks in all of us...I've just got a good run of it this week. *

* I fell up the stairs and bruised my knee something awful and hit my head on the stadium seats at Sunday's game whenever I bent down to pick up my purse.


Blogger Sprite said...

Ohhh... I know all about that "keys in the car" thing. I've mostly graduated from it and got a little automatic lock thingy on my key ring. The car alarm invention. Such a cool devise for those of us that seem to find our keys on the INSIDE of the car while we're LOCKED OUT on the Outside of said car! Bless your heart! *hugs*

Are you sure you're not blonde? You sound like so many moments I've lived through!

6:40 PM  

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