Monday, September 01, 2008

What i did on my summer vacation..

I bought a new power cord cause my current one has to be held to work... sort of a problem with the whole blogging thing. Onto the pictures...I have a rainforest of plants... and i did cut stuff back....

I grew green beans on a vine. Not as good as bush beans. They seem tougher.

Rogue decorative squash from last year showed up.

I planted fall squash last weekend from seeds...already popped up.. sweet!

second round of green beans planted last Saturday

Cucumbers...We ate two today and I've had a bout a dozen in the last few weeks.

They even snuck through my fence into Boo's parking spot...

I bought discount bedding plants from bayers. lots of water and they are flourishing.

I experimented with planting locations and tried peppers and greenbeans in my driveway between the houses.

I grew basil from seeds..

You can't see so well but this is my pepper/cherry tomato solid plant wall... or at least it seems it. I pick about a dozen cherries a day during the work week and then eat them at work...

I also decided to take a swing at digiscrapping. I finally saw layouts that I liked and bought some kits that I liked the quality of.

I also learned to crochet amigurumi which i cannot pronounce. See Simon and lamb below.. I hear it looks like a dirty alien.

I also bough the coolest most desired labyrinth knocker....I'd been wanting one for a year or two and found a sweet deal on ebay. :)
This is the one that says "What no good, can't hear you, mindy is a dork"

I also applied for the rock and roll crafty show, started knitting my first sweater and am finishing up my wedding shawl. I have no witty end to this post... I have to go hold the adapter in or i'll lose power in 5...4...3..2....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garden looks beast. Labyrinth door knocker is even more awesome. This post makes you look like possibly the most productive person I know.

9:19 AM  
Blogger daiva e said...

Cool digi layout. Have you looked at this place? They have big freebies once a month.

Your garden puts mine to shame. My tomatoes finally started ripening up - I was beginning to think they'd be green until the freeze. :-P

9:21 PM  

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