Friday, June 02, 2006

Dip me in acid

So I've been scratching my back constistantly ever since its become hot. I don't even notice myself doing it and there I am with my hand under my shirt. Today my back feels like its on fire. I removed the bra for the fire feeling and now my current tank is bothering me. Personally I'd like a full body acid dip. Just remove that layer of filth and skin. I've got a facial mask on now that I will peal in a bit. At least I'll feel fresh and new after that.
Tomorrow is agility. After last week's heat I'm looking forward to it. I also didn't work with the dogs this week like I should have. I was hot, tired, moody, busy. Right now I'm moody. I'm amazed at times at things that have occured in the last year. I've welcome people with open arms and not even noticed the great leap I've taken. On the other hand I still look in as if I have a grand answer and can give people their solution or their need for strength and the hostility that I have within me. Ironically when I need those two items they've often left for the weekend. For these people of the last year I cry for them, I get angry for them, I want to be there for them even if i don't know how. Unfortunately my mob connections are a bit low these days and I can't send people out to beat up other people, dieties, luck etc. I really want to though. Why can't the world be as smart as we think it can be. I had major driving anger today as I wondered this. Why, why can we all be better? Cause then we couldn't complain about the lousy stl drivers.


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