Sunday, May 28, 2006

Do you ever start hating scrapping? Probably not since you aren't a scrapper. I know it sounds dumb but sometimes I start to hate it. I feel guilty when I don't scrap, I find myself more focused on photos during a moment instead of enjoying the moment. Its not a hobby, its an obcession ya know?
Since the roomie moved in and work got nutty I've not been scrapping and I've not been on the board I used to frequent much. I in some ways feel really guilty and in others feel like lots of people don't spend much of their day scrapping or talking about scrapping.
Its a quandry because its the only way I do any art and since my education sorta went to waste its good to do some art.
I'm changing meds again and am right now missing eric really badly. I'm feeling the depressed swing of things. I'm worried about accomplishing things in the house, messes, elecric bills, what to do about when eric's in and scheduling.
I hate how much I think. I think all the time. I think collecting things are dumb these days and that makes no sense either. Its something about never parting with it either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you just need a break from scrapping until things aren't quite as nutty 'round home and at work.

i feel ya on the missing of the boy. i know the med switching is tough (why they couldn't come up with a way to make it easy, i don't know).

i'd hug ya, but we aren't the huggy kind of folks.

9:18 PM  

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