Monday, June 25, 2007

Once upon a time...

I was eh...not happy, not sad... I tended to be more negative (More than I still am) I'd start my sentences with you "you know what i hate." Now i consider myself happy but unfortunately I also get sad too. The inbetween isn't there anymore.
I needed to see more good out there and I started doing the oprah 5. Five good things that happened you in you day. No negative twist like, I didn't get hit by another car... That and I think reading bios and reflecting on other's lives made me see little things as great things. So I feel like expressing the good from yesterday.
1. I saw a younger black guy get up and open two doors for the elderly white woman at ihop. I swear those doors were lined with syrup but he didn't wait to see if that was it...
2. Emily came back to knitting. Its nice when new members return to knitting again. I look foward to the two groups i attend. Having that common trait makes the beginning talking easier but then we eventually talk super heros, cars, sports, and food... naturally :)
3. I tied up my tomatoes. They are hitting 4 feet tall..and by they I mean my one giant plant. My squash is hitting the top of my fence.
4. Riley was super cuddly this weekend. It was really nice.
5. I'm really getting a handle on one of my sock patterns I'm knitting. I was struggling and took a few days off and started another sock but now that i picked it back up suddenly i've broke through a wall.


Blogger Annie said...

That 5 good things is a good stragegy -- I should try it when I feel gripey. Thanks.

8:30 AM  
Blogger nicole said...

Good stuff. I was happy that we have a new member at the group too. I hope that she keeps coming back. And I can't wait to see your tomatoes!

11:15 AM  
Blogger maitai said...

good idea. i'll try the 5 good things also.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

It always seems easier to focus on the bad stuff and to complain. Good for you for finding five positives!

10:39 PM  

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